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Lot no. 12
ID: 79848747
Auction end :
Estimate: €30 - €50
Comics - Pack of 20 Lucky Luke albums including : - Lucky Luke versus Pinkerton - The One-Armed Bandit (x2) - Sarah Bernhardt - Nitroglycerine - Mac and the Indians - Dalton City - The Daily Star - Calamity Jane - Blue Foot Alert - Ghost Hunt - The Grand Duke - Oklahoma Jim - Emperor Smith - The Alibi - My Dalton - The Dalton Healing - Jesse James - A Sheik in the Wild West - The Dalton Amnesia Correct states
See original version (French)
Pictures credits: Contact organization
Books, Manuscripts and Comic books

Delivery methods

Comics, Books and Magazines, Bibliophily
83300 DRAGUIGNAN - France
1 premium lot | 269 lots