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Lot no. 29
ID: 79859376
Auction end :
Estimate: €80 - €100
RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE. LA FILLE NATURELLE. The Hague and Lausanne, Franç. Grasset, 1776. 2 parts of [2]-8-155-[3] and [4]-181-[3] pages, in 2 volumes in-12, fawn bradel half-percaline (19th century binding). "La fille naturelle is the most touching of all my productions, the story of Zéphire excepted, and even one of the most useful" (Mes ouvrages, pp. 12-14). Counterfeit of the first edition published in 1769, the errors are not corrected. Copy entirely untrimmed (Rives-Childs, p. 209) (Gay II, 308).
See original version (French)
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Books, Manuscripts and Comic books

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Antiquarian and modern books
69006 Lyon - France
178 lots