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Lot no. 38
ID: 79859389
Auction end :
Estimate: €40 - €50
NOUGARET. COUP D'OEIL D'UN ARABE SUR LA LITTERATURE FRANÇAISE OR LE BARBIER DE BAGDAD, faisant la barbe au barbier de Séville Figaro. London and found in Paris Guillot, 1786. In-8, 22 (misc. 24)-179-[3] pages, fawn half-percaline, smooth spine (19th century binding). Little-known work which begins with an amusing "sort of preface", followed by a dialogue between the barber of Baghdad and the barber of Seville. Binding a little faded, rare freckles, title doubled and rebacked, missing the false title.
See original version (French)
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Books, Manuscripts and Comic books

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Antiquarian and modern books
69006 Lyon - France
178 lots