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Lot no. 97
ID: 79847930
Auction end :
Estimate: €50 - €100
CPA - 1 lot of 90 QSL cards, 35 franked Interesting lot of amateur radio QSL cards all from California addressed to a Frenchman in Shanghai, André Guillabert. André Guillabert, born in Shanghai in 1898, was the son of a tutor in the French concession who took over the same job when his father died. French radio was well established in this part of China and French amateur licences were issued as early as 1925. Guillabert ran his own amateur radio station in addition to his job as tax collector and several terms as town councillor. From July 1926 he used the call sign FC SAG ("FC" for France-China). This amateur call sign changed over time (FC8AG, AC8AG then XU8AG in 1935). Period covered by this lot: 1929-1938
See original version (French)
Pictures credits: Contact organization
Postcards and paper items

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83300 DRAGUIGNAN - France
3 premium lots | 358 lots