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Lot no. 5
Estimate: €20 - €30
5 - BEAUX-ARTS - [LOT 6 VOL.]: - ARTHAUD (Claude) : LES MAISONS DU GENIE. Nb ill. photogr. in black and in colour in-t. and on full page. P. B. Arthaud, 1967. 1 vol. gd in-4, 367pp, black cloth binding and ill. dust jacket, (A.B.E.). - LE STYLE ANGLAIS 1750-1850. Nb ill. in black and in coul. in-t. and on full page. P. Hachette, 1961. 1 vol. gd in-4, 232pp, ed. ill. card. binding - GIULIANO (Jean) : BOIS ESSENCE ET VARIETES. 120 illustrated sheets on the most commercialised species of wood. Ed. H. Vial, 1987. 1 vol. in-4, cloth binding and illustrated dust jacket, (B.E.). - FONTAINE (Georges): LA CERAMIQUE FRANCAISE. P. P.U.F., 1965. 1 vol. in-8, 186pp, ed. binder - LES ARTS ET METIERS EN NORMANDIE. 100 Oeuvres d'Art du XVI° AU XIX° SIECLE. Catalogue 2003. 1 illustrated brochure, 66pp. - TRESORS DE LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DU Commandant PAUL-LOUIS WEILER. Paris Drouot 30 November 1998. Colour illustrated catalogue. 1 vol. in-4, 168pp, black cloth.
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