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Lot no. 33
Estimate: €15 - €20
33 - HUNTING / LITERATURE - [LOT 6 VOL. BINDINGS] : - DU FOUILLOUX (Jacques) : LA VENERIE. P. Galiot du Pré, 1573. P. Roger Dacosta, 1979. Facsimile on laid paper, 1/3000 N°1596. Nb ill. in-t. - STAEL (Mme de) : DELPHINE. Nouv. éd., revue, corrigée et augm. d'une préface par M. Sainte-Beuve. P. Charpentier, 1839, partly original ed. 1 vol. in-12, VI-67pp, red half-chagrin, spine ribbed with gilt compartments, author and title gilt, (A.B.E.). - MUSSET (Alfred de ) : POESIES NOUVELLES 1833-1851. P. Calmann-Lévy, s.d.. 1 vol. in-12, fawn half-basane, spine with 4 nerves, gilt aut. and title. Enclosed: - DUMAS (Alexandre) : LE COMTE DE MONTE-CRISTO. P. Louis Conard, 1923-1924. Ill. by FRED-MONEY (in black, in-t. and full-page). T. I-II-VI. Incomplete, 3 vols. out of 6, in-8, brown half-basane, spine ribbed, gilt aut. title and fleurons.
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