Lot no. 1
Auction end :
Estimate: €5,000 - €6,000
RENAULT, Model MIDLUM 220 DCI - 16T refuse collection vehicle
Registered Vehicle 2194 WV 26, Make RENAULT, Model MIDLUM 220 DCI - Benne à ordures ménagères 16T, Type VASP, Serial No. VF644ACA000009396, Type 44ACA6, Puissance administrative 17 CV Fiscaux,
Energie GO, 110 000 kms old, Year Model 2004, Date of first registration 02/08/2004, Number of seats: 3, Without Technical Inspection, With registration certificate; , Vehicle with 1 key,
Tipper FAUN Manufacturer year 2004
Very good condition
See original version (French)
Delivery methods