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Lot no. 1
Estimate: €100 - €300
Single copy... A composition based on the plot of Corneille's CID, illustrated with plates from Flash GORDON. 28 plates measuring 24 by 30 cm, laminated, in a very fine edition on glossy paper. Dialogues from the CID play. This is a preliminary draft, which did not come to fruition because Opera Mundi was unable to obtain the rights. Circa 1960. Six slides with illustrations from TARZAN, mounted on cardboard, are enclosed in the same folder. A draft, no doubt, of another project...
See original version (French)
Pictures credits: Contact organization
Books, Manuscripts and Comic books

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Catalogued sales : Books, Comics, Photos and Prints
69400 Villefranche-sur-Saône - France
31 premium lots | 352 lots
01/18/2025 : 10:30 AM