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African, American & Oceanic Art - Primitive Art Auctions
From the vast lands of Africa, the mystical islands of Oceania and the fascinating cultures of America, the works presented here open the doors to a world rich in history and cultural diversity.
Discover the magnificence and depth of non-Western art, known as 'primitive art' or 'non-European art', carefully appraised for these auctions. Marvel at a variety of prestigious treasures: statuettes, helm masks, reliquaries, wooden mortars, stools, ceramics, wickerwork boxes, works in metal and precious materials. African art reveals its secrets with Ashanti dolls, Kota reliquaries, Fang masks, as well as ritual and funerary objects from the Dan, Yoruba, Senoufo, Baoulé, Malinké and Lobi peoples. Each collector's item and second-hand piece is a window onto ancestral traditions and rich, complex cultural practices.
The cultures of Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia are illustrated by ceremonial and everyday objects, offering a glimpse into the lives and beliefs of these island peoples. Discover fabrics, sculptures, jade objects and works combining embossed metal and stone (turquoise, etc.), as well as decorated terracotta from pre-Columbian civilisations, from the Olmecs to the Incas and Aztecs, via the Mochicas and Mayas.
Native American art shines with its unique creations, while the paintings and art of Australia's Aborigines tell timeless stories. The work of the Inuit adds an Arctic dimension to this rich collection.